Product Features

Student Mobile App

Access lessons, assessments, and materials anytime, stay updated with events and lessons, and engage in personalized learning with progress reports and badges.

Parent Mobile App

Monitor academic progress, view reports and attendance, track the timetable, and receive important updates.

Teacher Portal and Engagement

Manage lessons, assessments, and student records, create and publish content, and engage with students via chat, feedback, and attendance tracking.

Analytics and Reports

Access important statistics and reports to make informed decisions.

Comprehensive Institute Management Portal

Efficiently manage users, institutions, multiple institutes, classrooms, and curriculums.

Curriculum and Communication Management

Organize curriculums, classes, subjects, and topics while keeping everyone informed with announcements and calendar events.

Benefits of

White Labeling

Customize the LMS with your brand's logo and name for a seamless, branded learning experience.

Streamlined Administration

Efficiently manage multiple institutes, classrooms, curriculums, and user roles with our intuitive, centralized admin portal. Save time and reduce complexity.

Enhanced Learning Experience

Provide easy access to materials, assignments, and assessments fostering interactive and personalized learning for sustained engagement.

Flexible Curriculum

Effortlessly organize and manage curriculums, lessons, and assessments, supporting diverse content types like text, images, videos, and interactive elements.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

Facilitate seamless communication among teachers, students, and parents with messaging, announcements, and feedback features, fostering collaboration.

Comprehensive Performance Tracking

Track student progress, attendance and behavior with comprehensive reports and analytics, offering real-time insights for effective support.

Enhanced Capabilities With

Smart LMS integrates effortlessly with the Smart White Board, creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment. This integration ensures that educators and students access a comprehensive set of tools designed to enhance teaching, learning, and collaboration.

Enhanced Engagement
Utilize the interactive features of the Smart White Board directly within the LMS, making lessons more dynamic and engaging for students.
Efficient Workflow
Simplify the management of lessons, assessments, and student progress with the seamless integration of both platforms, reducing administrative tasks.
Unified Access
Integrate cloud storage options like Google Drive and Dropbox for easy file management, ensuring all resources are easily accessible from both the whiteboard and LMS.
Flexible Learning
Support remote and in-class learning with the combined functionalities of the Smart White Board and LMS, accommodating various teaching and learning styles.

Why Choose

Seamless Integration

LMS integrates smoothly with existing educational structures, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum efficiency.

Robust Functionality

From comprehensive administrative tools to interactive learning features, our LMS is equipped with functionalities tailored to the needs of each user group.

24/7 Support

Access dedicated assistance around the clock from our expert team for prompt resolution of any issues.

Timely Updates

Stay up to date with regular software updates and feature enhancements for user experience.

Quick Navigation


  • How can parents stay informed about their child’s progress?

    Parents can use the Parent Mobile App to monitor their child's academic progress, view marks, attendance, and behavioural reports, and stay connected with teachers.
  • Can Smart LMS manage multiple institutes?

    Yes, our platform supports the management of multiple institutes, allowing administrators to oversee classrooms, teachers, and students across different locations from a single dashboard.
  • Can teachers track student progress?

    Yes, teachers can monitor student progress through detailed reports and analytics, helping them provide timely feedback and support to students.
  • Is there a mobile app for students?

    Yes, LMS offers a dedicated mobile app for students, enabling them to access their educational resources anytime, anywhere.
  • How do teachers create lessons and assessments?

    Teachers can easily create and publish lessons and assessments using the intuitive teacher portal. The platform supports various content types, including text, images, videos, and interactive elements.